PDU CAT Buyer's Club

Buyer's Club Pricing

Join PDU CAT Buyer's Club and you'll receive Buyer's Club pricing on all of our products! Buyer's Club pricing is equivalent to end-column / 10 case pricing.

To qualify, simply fill out the form below and commit to purchasing $5,000 or more of any PDU CAT products in a 12 month period. Once accepted, you'll start receiving Buyer's Club pricing starting with your next order! You will continue to receive Buyer's Club pricing for as long as you continue to maintain $5,000 or more in annual purchases.

PDU CAT Buyer's Club

Buyer's Club Application

Your business name is required.
Principal's first name is required.
Principal's last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your billing address is required.
Your billing address city is required.
Your billing address state / province is required.
Your billing address postal code is required.
Please enter your PDU CAT account number.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Once accepted, you are automatically renewed in the Buyers Club when yu achieve $5,000 or more in annual purchases.
  2. Products ordered in broken case quantities will be billed at the less than case price.
  3. Failure to maintain the required sales level will result in the loss of Buyer's Club benefits.
  4. Standard terms and conditions apply. Freight is not included.
  5. PDU CAT reserves the right to terminate this program at any time.
Your signature is required.

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